Contribute your ideas. Vote for the best ideas. Change the future.

More information on getting involved will appear here shortly.

In the meantime, please register your interest, and we will email as soon as we have more news.

Remember : people who are thinking about issues are statistically more likely to vote.
Even if you (think you) don't like Ideas for the Future (yet!), at the very, very least, those people who read about them, and think about them, are more likely to vote. And that's always a good thing, because even if politicians and political parties might not (always) be very responsive to those who do vote, but they are certanly not responsive to those who don't vote!

What's in it for me?

  • Learn about what's important to everyone.
  • Gain additional exposure for your cause.
  • Lend your voice to other causes.
  • See how different causes fit together, and even complement each other.
  • Improve the way politics works
  • Change the future

Tell me more


We are currently recruiting volunteers as Content Editors and as Website Editors, as well as putting together the initial Steering Group.

If you are interested in working with us, or in supporting Ideas for the Future in any other way, please contact us.


Launch funding is currently being finalised for the project.

A crowd funding link will appear here shortly. Please email us if you would like to receive details of this when it is available.

You might also be interested in ... Vote for Policies

Whilst Talk Together is collecting and making sense of all the best new ideas - in order to change what policies political parties will offer in the future - Vote for Policies is about how to make an informed choice about who to vote for based on the policies which political parties currently offer.

If you would like to learn more, to ask a question, or to make a suggestion,
or to contact us for any other reason, please email us.

© 2016 Talk Together