are gradually expanding our Key Points presentations
to include information about the UK, about
how it works
... and sometimes about how it is not working
as well as it could be!
is not a news website. It is not an expression
of what we think.
have taken information provided by other
Organisations which exist to think about
things carefully, and to check the details
(or, in the case of news organiations, those
parts of those organisations which think
carefully and check,
rather than the rush to the biggest headlines).
have structured that information so that
it is easier to get to the
have added in extra ways of for you to check
that you have understood, and to help you
to remember details,
with our
and finally
in case you are worried about the details,
you can always check the original
! )
world is a wonderful, exciting, interesting
and intriguing place.
it won't really make sense, unless you understand
the facts behind it all.
Your opinion will only really count, if
you are making up your own mind.
follow the links above,
to take you to a series of facts and figures,
so that you can really understand.
And so you can tell if what you are hearing
- on the news, in the pub, from a politician,
from a friend -
is really sensible or not!
like to call it our Voter
Information Pack.
Because it's for a V.I.P..